Whore of Babylon. Atelier Ascari SS21

Whore of Babylon. Atelier Ascari SS21

Atelier Ascari FW 19-20

The Whore of Babylon – La meretrice di Babilonia

Womenswear Collection


I’m going to tell you a secret….


The world will not go back to what it was before. The tension already experienced in FW20 has blown up ahead of time in the direst crisis in the last hundred years. The worst fears have manifested themselves in all their harshness: we are experiencing and will experience again what it means to inhabit dystopian cities, without physical relationships,  where judgment on the world isiself put on hold, as we cannot possibly call an indescribable reality by its proper name .


Fashion will not go back to what it was before. How to envision the future? Who to turn to? If the answer in FW 20 were some examples of formidable women, “icons of contemporaneity”, SS21 appeals instead to the only reality to which we can possibly refer our hope: religious sentiment. The collection is so much about religion as it is about SPIRITUALITY, looking out at the experiences of some charismatic Indian women and their mood (flowers and sacred symbols on white sarees, sometimes precious silk jacquards …). This woman aims to rediscover an ecstatic dimension capable of providing answers to an otherwise nightmarish reality.

Nonetheless, this woman does not forget her sensual and ironic side. How to construe sensuality during the crisis? The collection does not provide answers, but evokes scenarios.


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