New Train Stations M4 Milano

New Train Stations M4 Milano

Project e masterplan Stazioni M4 Milano


Design by DASTU – Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, Politecnico di Milano per ATM – Azienda Trasporti Milanese e Comune di Milano

Visual design by Jacopo Ascari

Milano, 2020


The pilot projects, carried out with the intention of being replicable in different contexts along the new Milan metro line, seek to make a reorganization of the public space coincide with the excavations. The dossier, developed by DASTU Polimi, wants to reflect on the role of public space in three different areas of the urban stratification: the historic city and the vision of the reopening of the Navigli (Sforza, Policlinico), the nineteenth-century city (Dateo) and the first suburban area to be re-centralized (Frattini).

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