#InViaggioConJacopo. Collection of territorial storytelling for FS Italiane

#InViaggioConJacopo. Collection of territorial storytelling for FS Italiane


Collection of territorial storytelling for FS Italiane


Among the many difficulties of 2020, one of the pleasures we missed the most was not being able to travel. With summer 2021 approaching and restrictions taking the edge off, many are starting to look at the Belpaese with new eyes, choosing less “mainstream” Italian locations as their destination.

With this perspective, the #InViaggioConJacopo project was born, signed for FS and shared monthly on #Railpost and on other social channels of the group.

The aim of the column is to create quality contents in order to highlight the extraordinary architectural value of the FS Real Estate, consisting specifically of large infrastructures such as the railway stations.

These become arrival and departure settings for Jacopo, a twelve-year-old boy travelling around Italy with his grandmother, something very similar to my real past.

See example about Milan:



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